We’ve teamed up with Syngenta for another exciting pre-release in 2022!

Our fourth and final 2022 LIMITED PRERELEASE item is the newest addition to Syngenta’s Bandolero™ series. Named after the Asian lychee fruit, this uniquely-colored Bandolero™ Lychee will add stunning color to gardens and patios

Syngenta is a leading lantana breeder, and we loved the unique and vibrant color of this Bandolero™ Lychee when we saw it at Syngenta’s research facility in Gilroy, CA!

• Bigger and bolder blooms
• A more vigorous habit suited for hanging baskets and large
containers/2.5 Qt and larger
• Excellent for northern climates
• Season extender with beautiful blooms all summer!
• Deer resistant
Bandolero™ Lychee will release in 2023, and you can be one of the first to grow these in 2022!
Click here or on the image below to download a Bandolero™ Lychee flyer.
Limited quantities available | Contact your preferred broker to place an order